Small Business Extensions (SBE) is an Alfresco extension package, developed by our company. It aims to provide a document management and teamwork solution for small- and medium-size businesses, based on the Alfresco Content Management platform. Alfresco SBE provides enterprise level stability and scalability with simple, cost-effective customization options.
With the aid of this quick-to-deploy and very comprehensible application we are able to support document handling and processing for small and medium-sized companies. The product includes the proven Enterprise Content Management (ECM) technology implemented by the Alfresco platform, with robust extensibility features, and standardized interfaces for integration with external systems.
Building on the features of the free-to-use Alfresco Community Edition, SBE provides a turnkey solution, suitable for rapid deployment on the order of days, with a common set of document metadata, categories and storage structure suitable for most businesses, with support for customization.
SBE includes a self-training document metadata extraction solution, based on a subset of Autometa AI’s functionality. This automated metadata extraction significantly reduces administrative overhead and increases metadata accuracy.
SBE components:
- Alfresco Content Services
- Alfresco Search Services
- Alfresco Office Services (SharePoint Server)
- Alfresco Share
- more Alfresco components:
- BroadBit components
- Integrated high quality OCR module
- Barcode/QR code recognition and pos-processor module
- Classification module (backed by Machine Learning algorithms)
- Digital signature verification module (recognizes electronic signatures on documents, stores and displays relevant signature information)
- Generic document model and metadata-set with more than 100 predefined business related document types (contract, invoice, hr documents, etc.)
- Automatic sorting module (for keeping the Document Archive and its contents continuosly and consistently organized)
- Incoming email processing and sorting module (email archival and attachment extraction)
- Document Report module
- Document history and relationship display module
- Related document display based on content similarity
- Improved category management interface
- Centralized arrival and sorting opportunity
SBE’s business logic implements the following steps:
- Digitization (documents received via scanner, email or other sources)
- Automatic digital signature verification, barcode/QR and character recognition (OCR)
- Automatic document classification (document type, project, partner and asset recognition)
- Automatic metadata extraction for dates, amounts, IDs (from barcode)
- Manual metadata verification and completion
- Automatic sorted archival of documents
- Indexing document content and metadata
- Document relationship graph generation
- Document Report generation
At the end of the process, administrative staff verifies and approves the automatically extracted metadata in one final manual step.
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Document-, Project-management, Alfresco ECM Development and Support, Software development, Software testing, Automotive software development, V2X, V2G, GeoNetworking
H-2092 Budakeszi, Knáb János utca 8.
Tel.: +36 20 225 3054, +36 20 465 6554
E-Mail: info @ broadbit . hu
Reg.Number: 13-09-213102
TAX ID: 13717445-2-13
EU TAX ID: HU13717445
EU PIC: 999671622
BroadBit Energy Technologies
Automotive software development, V2X, V2G, GeoNetworking
Slovakia, Parková 45, 82105 Bratislava
Tel.: +36 30 218 9659
E-Mail: info @ broadbit . com
TAX ID: SK2024183271
EU PIC: 933003037