BroadBit Test Tool
BroadBit offers the power and efficiency of TTCN testing for the IT and Telecom industry! Release 1 of BroadBit Test Tool (BTT) is published as a free software; enabling all software test engineers to add it into their toolbox.
Training support is available through, and support for custom interfaces and software package can be requested through
- Support of basic TTCN-3 syntax
- Support of both binary and ASN.1 based definitions
- Easy mapping between port definitions and port handlers
- Port handlers included for generic sockets, such as Ethernet, UDP, or Unix sockets
- Platform independent runtime code
- BTT is a comprehensive TTCN tool for conformance and protocol testing supports both Binary and ASN.1 layers! (Requires also Objective Systems’ asn1c tool for ASN.1 testing)
BTT has been tested on Linux, OpenSolaris, Windows, and Mac OS X operating systems.
Anthony Wiles’ introductory words about TTCN from ‘An Introduction to TTCN-3’ book:
TTCN first saw the light of day as a fledgling language in the mid-1980s. Since then, it has arguably progressed to be the de facto standardized language for writing test specifications. Here at ETSI, TTCN is the cornerstone of many complex test specifications, covering a wide range of technologies, including GSM, UMTS, VoIP, ISDN, WiFi, and cordless telephony (DECT) … The essence of TTCN-3 is really quite simple, which partly explains its increasing popularity.
BroadBit Test Tool architecture diagram:
BroadBit Test Tool architecture diagram for the case of ASN.1 based applications:
Links and posts about software testing, TTCN and ASN.1:
- Objective Systems – ASN.1 tool:
- Go4IT – IPv6 testing, picottcn compiler:
- TIPI – T3DevKit:
- 3G and 4G wireless: Introduction to TTCN-3:
- Trails of EasyExtend: Python vs TTCN-3:
- Mobile & Wireless: Testing using TTCN-3:
- Elvior Supports TTCN-3 Tools Plugtests:–news/elvior-supports
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BroadBit Energy Technologies
Automotive software development, V2X, V2G, GeoNetworking
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Tel.: +36 30 218 9659
E-Mail: info @ broadbit . com
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