Cooperation among vehicles with or without a driver

Cooperation among vehicles with or without a driver

One thing is certain: one day our cars will drive themselves. But how will we make the transition from a handful of autonomous and connected cars today to a true smart system offering enhanced safety, comfort and seamless and robust operation, in just 15 years’ time?

Researchers who worked on the European AutoNet2030 project believe it can be achieved by combining driving assistance technologies and inter-vehicle communications. They have recently shown that it is possible for vehicles with or without drivers to operate in high-speed, multi-lane traffic autonomously under real-life conditions. This is a key step in the ongoing shift towards autonomous driving. EPFL’s contribution to this project came in the form of a cooperative maneuvering control algorithm.

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In addition to EPFL, the AutoNet2030 project involved: Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (Greece, coordinator), Broadbit (Hungary), Baselabs (Germany), Centro Ricerche Fiat (Italy), ARMINES – Mines ParisTech – INRIA (France), Scania (Sweden), Hitachi Europe and the Technische Universitaet Dresden (Germany). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 610542.