NeMo Final Event photos and BroadBit releases

NeMo Final Event photos and BroadBit releases

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BroadBit Smart Charger Module

Software for charge points enabling end-to-end communication for smart charging

Our solution demonstrate end-to-end communication through the EV – Recharging station – Central System entities providing smart charging features, like plug-and-charge, scheduled recharging, authentication, power balancing, rate negotiation etc. The key contribution is the software component developed for charge points that seamlessly integrates the ISO 15118 protocol and the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP). The system can be considered as the “last mile” of NeMo Hyper-network till the vehicles. The demo reflects predefined use cases of the project related to smart charging.

“Our software for charge points seamlessly integrates the two main communication protocols for EV charging to provide higher user experience.”


Test framework for generic conformance testing including V2G and OCPP test suites

Our development has two main contribution: it is a generic framework conformance testing, while it provides the standardized conformance test suites for V2G simultaneously, i.e. it contains the test cases described in the ISO/IEC 15118-4 standard. To make the tool easily usable and its operation transparent, an intuitive UI was also developed, thus the test engineer can immediately focus on the testing and the test results without deeply understanding the overall test system and without the time consuming and sensitive configuration of that.

“Our test tool is a transparent and integrated solution for generic conformance testing with an intuitive, user-friendly HMI that reflects our vision about testing.”